Author: Tunde Tee

This PowerApps video is an Introduction to the NEW ParseJSON Power Fx function in Power Apps.Use the ParseJSON function to parse data in JSON format.JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is a text format for storing and transporting data. Untyped object can hold any data structure complex or simple. Fields in untyped object can be accessed using the dot notation however the existence of fields is verified at runtime. You will learn all about the ParseJSON function, Parse JSON payloads (simple and complex) in PowerApps, how to return data from flow to Power Apps in the form of a…

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This Power Automate video is an introduction to Data Operations in flow. You’ll learn about some common data operations in flow, such as Compose, Join, Select, Filter arrays, Create tables, and parse JSON. These actions are available to manipulate data when you create flows. Flow Data Operations:🔵 Compose Action – Use the Data Operation – Compose action to save yourself from having to enter the same data multiple times as you’re designing a cloud flow.🔵 Join – Use the Data Operation – Join action to delimit an array with the separator of your choice.Select – Use the Data Operation –…

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In this video, you will learn all about the Patch Function in Power Apps. Patch allows us to insert or update one or more records in a data source, or merge records outside of a data source. Use the Patch function to modify records in complex situations, such as when you do updates that require no user interaction or use forms that span multiple screens. You will learn how to use the Patch function to Add and Modify items in a SharePoint List, perform error handling with Patch (Formula level error management), set columns to empty value, set complex type…

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In this Power Apps step-by-step tutorial video for beginners, you will learn all about the Button control. We will cover key properties of Power Apps buttons like Text, OnSelect, Visible, BorderRadius, Style related to Hover, Pressed, Fill & more. We will also learn how to use buttons in gallery to create tabs in PowerApps, add shadow effect for buttons, reuse button OnSelect code, Add a basic formula to a button, Change a button’s appearance, Change a button’s shape, Change a button’s color when you hover over it & more. We will also see how to create dynamic tabbed interface, filters…

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In this step-by-step tutorial video, you will learn how to set & use deep linking into Power Apps Screens for Mobile or Web experiences. A common scenario when building PowerApps is the need to share a “deep link” to a specific screen. Deep links are useful when you want to get users straight to a specific screen and data rather than asking them to navigate from the “home” screen of your app. We will talk about new features like App.StartScreen, App.OnStart, Navigate function, passing query Params to Power Apps for deep linking using Param() function, passing multiple params to Power…

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This Power Automate video is a step-by-step tutorial on how to track column changes (version history) for SharePoint by using “when an item is modified trigger” in flow. We can track to see the column changes for the modified item, leverage the send an http SharePoint action to get previous values of item based on the previous version & also leverage the “Get changes for an item or file” action to get the information of which columns have changed. The video will showcase some interesting patterns to get the “Version History”. This video will have something for everyone from beginners…

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We will set default values of Text Input, Drop downs, Combo boxes, Date Pickers, group of fields & the Form Control.We will set Default value for Dropdown as “Select” or “All”, Reset multiple controls to their default values, set default data card values for the form control connected to SharePoint (covers Text, Date, Lookup, Choice, Multi-Select Choice, Person type columns). The data sources covered here are SharePoint & Office 365 Users (to get current user & manager information), but the concepts are applicable to all data sources (Dataverse, SQL).

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In this video, you will learn how to export large data sets from Power Apps using Power Automate flow. We will leverage SharePoint as a data source. The work of performing the OData query from SharePoint List to fetch the data will be performed by flow. The data query will be passed dynamically from Power Apps as a query parameter to flow. Flow will get the Tabular data, generate HTML, send data in Email, Export data to CSV & export data to PDF. User will leverage the Power App to request dynamic export of data to Email, CSV or PDF.We…

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This video is a beginner’s guide to Solutions in Power Platform. I will provide an Overview of Solutions, cover concepts of building Power Apps and Power Automate flows inside solutions, bring your existing App & flows in solutions, export & import Solutions, setup Environment Variables, connect to SharePoint & Dataverse, Managed and Unmanaged Solutions, Solution Publisher, discuss how Environments & Solutions are linked, perform application lifecycle management (ALM) & move solutions across development, test (QA) and production environments & more. Solutions are used to transport apps and components from one environment to another or to apply a set of customizations…

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In this PowerApps video, you will learn all about the combo box control. A combobox control is one that allows users to make selections from provided choices. Supports search and multiple selections. A Combo box control allows you to search for items you will select. The search is performed server-side on the SearchField property, so performance is not affected by large data sources. Video showcases examples of combo box searching, filtering, default selected items, selected items, connecting to the data source, search & filter large data (Delegation), dropdown control vs combo box control, combo box as people picker using Office…

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