Author: Shari Oswald

Did you know when you share a file in Teams chat that those files actually live in OneDrive? Yes they do! In this tip, we will explore how to share a file in Teams chat…and where it lives. In this tip, you will learn to: Share a file in Teams ChatChange the way your file is sharedView the One Drive home for chat files

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You like to gather feedback on your files without allowing colleagues to edit them? Share using the Review option! In this tip, you will learn to: – Share a file in OneDrive – Change the sharing permissions – Give people an opportunity to provide feedback, but not edit.

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Did you know that when you quickly share files in OneDrive, that you may be giving access to unintended people? YEP! In this tip, we explore the sharing options that ensure you only share your files with your intended audience…with the right access! In this tip, you will learn to: – Share a file in OneDrive – Limit who can open your Shared Files – Provide the proper access to your files

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Need to work offline, but have limited space on your device? Use Selective Sync in OneDrive for Business to limit which content is available offline and save your hard drive space. In this tip you will learn to: Sync OneDrive to Your Local DeviceUse Selective Sync to Limit Synced FilesSync SharePoint/Teams Content to Local Device

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Creating sites from scratch is tedious and time consuming. Use SharePoint Site Templates to quickly create sites as a starting point for your new site! In this tip you will learn to: View the Contents of a SharePoint SiteBrowse the available templatesApply a template to a current site

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Site Addresses (URLs) are confusing and often overlooked. In the SharePoint world, they can become a hinderance if created incorrectly. In this TIP! I will show you how to create a site with an address that can not only be friendly, but can also help with your governance standards. In this tip you will learn to: Create a SharePoint SiteAdd a Title to a SiteEdit the Site AddressEnsure Your Site is Findable

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Does your schedule pile up to where you don’t even bet a “bio break” in-between? Me, too! Let’s add scheduled time between your Bookings to make sure you get that well-needed time in during the day. In this tip you will learn to: Edit a ServiceAdd a Buffer Time between bookings

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Are you frustrated in trying to coordinate schedules with co-workers or clients? Use Microsoft Bookings to give your contacts a self-serve option to create appointments on YOUR time and using your availability! In this tip you will learn: What is Microsoft BookingsHow to Access BookingsCreate a calendarInclude team membersDefine your booking times.

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Do you find creating slides to be tedious and time consuming? Did you know you can quickly convert roll-up slides into individual slides using the keyboard? Yes you can! In this tip I will show you how to use the Outline view to create slides In this tip you will learn to: Use Outline ViewPromote and Demote the Outline to Create SlidesCreate New Slides and Bullet Points

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