Author: Shari Oswald

Are you tired of staring at a cluttered inbox, flooded with irrelevant emails and that daunting “unread” count? It’s time to regain control and streamline your digital life. We’ve got an ingenious trick that will transform your email management experience. Let’s dive right in and uncover the key to decluttering your inbox. You’ve likely subscribed to newsletters and ended up on mailing lists that seemed interesting at the time. But what happens next? Those unread emails start piling up, causing more stress than anything else. That’s where our solution comes in, giving you the power to conquer email overload. Picture…

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We all know that Outlook can either be our ally or our nemesis, and as we embark on a new year, it’s essential to tackle the challenge of clearing out old, cluttered emails. If you’re like me and prefer organising your messages into folders, finding specific emails based on age or size can be a daunting task. But fear not! I have a best-kept secret that will revolutionise your email management experience in Outlook. Search FoldersIn your Outlook mail pane, you’ll discover a feature that holds the key to effortless email organisation – search folders. These folders provide a virtual…

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Are you tired of spending valuable time on repetitive tasks? In this engaging tutorial, we introduce you to Power Automate, a powerful tool designed to help you work smarter, not harder. Join us as we explore the features and possibilities of Power Automate and discover how it can revolutionise your workflow. Formerly known as Microsoft Flow, Power Automate is part of the Power Platform. It allows you to automate various tasks, saving you time and effort. You can access Power Automate from the Waffle button in Microsoft applications or through the all apps menu. So, what can you automate? Let’s…

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If you’re tired of traditional presentations and want to take your content to the next level, there’s a hidden gem waiting for you in Microsoft 365. Introducing Sway, an innovative app that goes beyond PowerPoint to create interactive and captivating presentations. Think of Sway as an online brochure that allows you to engage your audience like never before. Instead of linear slides, Sway empowers you to create interactive content where viewers can explore and choose their own path. Let’s delve into what Sway has to offer and how it can transform your presentations. Imagine you need to create a press…

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Are you struggling to create a Sway from an existing presentation or document? In this video, you’ll learn how to convert your PowerPoint presentation into a Sway in just a few simple steps. The video shows how the “start from document” option often doesn’t work, resulting in unformatted text and misplaced images. Instead, it’s recommended to use the desktop version of PowerPoint and save the presentation as a JPEG. This will save each slide as a separate image, which can be added as a background to your Sway cards. This is a quick and easy way to create a Sway…

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Are you looking to create visually appealing presentations or social media posts, but struggle with getting the focus right in your images? This week’s tip is all about focus points, and how they can help you ensure that your images look great on any screen size. Have you ever uploaded a banner image on social media only to find that the focus is completely off when viewed on a phone or tablet? That’s where focus points come in. In Sway, you can designate exactly what you want to be the focus of the picture, regardless of what screen size it’s…

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You may already be familiar with flagging emails and creating tasks, but sometimes those actions aren’t enough to help you figure out what needs to be done. This is where categories come in handy. By assigning a category to a task, you can prioritize your work and make it easier to see what needs to be done at a glance. To get started, you’ll need to create categories in Outlook. By default, there are six colors to choose from, but there are actually 25 different colors you can use. You can also rename the categories to fit your needs. Once…

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