Author: Mahammad Kubaib

In this video, I have covered what is Azure VM service, availability set and Availability Zone. An availability set is a logical grouping of VMs that allows Azure to understand how your application is built to provide for redundancy and availability. Azure availability zones are physically and logically separated datacenters with their own independent power source, network, and cooling.

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In this video, I will walk through how to resize Azure Virtual Machines/AVD session host in bulk when you have hundreds/thousands of Virtual Machines in Azure using PowerShell Special thanks to my colleague Mr. Owais who helped me in developing the PowerShell script Script : connect-azaccount#Script to resize provided VM List in VMLIST.TXT#Make sure to add VM listConnect-AzAccount -Subscription “xxx”$VML = Get-Content c:\xxx\VMlist.txt #———————- update VMLIST! ————————————# #Change Resource Group as per VM list$RG = “xxx” #——————– Change Resource Group as per VM! ——————-# #Mention Target VM size$VMSZ = ‘Standard_B4ms’ #—————————– Update Target Size ———————————#foreach($AVM in $vml){$date = get-dateWrite-Host “Changing…

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